Monday, 14 October 2013

Take Your Face To The Gym! Facial Training Exercises Are A Proven Way To Looking A Decade Younger

Let's face it, our looks fade as we age, but we can reclaim them by utilizing the power of facial aerobics. These are simple yoga acupressure face exercises performed on certain energy points on the face and neck. These regimens are sometimes called facial gymnastics, because they are so effective!

Face training aerobics come in many different forms e.g. cheek exercises for lifting and reducing chubby cheeks, double chin exercises for sagging hog jowls, eye exercises for getting rid of eye bags, under eye wrinkles, and dark rings. Because of the extra stimulation to the underlying tissue, color will be restored and you can be sporting a glowing skin that you will be proud of.

Check out the famous Wendy Wilken "Facelift Without Surgery" program that teaches you how to look a decade younger in 30 days using facial gymnastics toning.

Several things regarding elastin and collagen:

When the skin and underlying tissue is labored with the fingers, not only is blood flow amplified to the region, but the pores in the skin are opened up which makes them more receptive to organic face creams, moisturizers and anti-aging skin care products.

Keep in mind, moisture is beneficial for the skin. It prolongs and rejuvenates the springiness of the skin on the face and neck.  Feeding the muscle with blood and stimulating the elastin in the skin with face gymnastics will firm and fill out these areas.

This means that you can kiss wrinkles, eye bags, crow's feet, saggy skin, laughter and forehead lines goodbye!

Facelift Without Surgery boosts elastin and collagen growth to encourage skin elasticity.

For more information, please visit her face aerobics exercises website. Also see non-surgical facelifts using facial exercises